Creating SPS 2010 Web Applications

I tried one yesterday but after it finished, it wouldn’ t let me log ono it.

So today, I’ve gone out and found this on Technet.

Now, like any good robot, there’s nothing I like more than following good instructions nor less, bad. So here goes.

Now the Technet page is good in that it sets some expecations. Our new web application will have it’s own database and when we create it, we’ll need to specify an anthenication type, Classic (Windows) or Claim-Based (Windows or Form Based.) Also, it points out that the new PowerShell environment will let you create web apps programatically so we’ll have to get a good look at that later.

So, Central Administration has an Application Management page where there’s a link to the Manage Web Applications page:


Here, there’s a New link on the ribbon. This loads a Create New Web Application page:


Now a note here. My CA web site actually loads this page in a dialog box centered over the shaded page. When I right click on it I can see the properties and get the URL for the dialog box:


The ?IsDlg=1 query string is what makes it the shaded dialog; if you delete the query string, the page will load in the browser window without the shading effect.

Following TechNet’s instructions, I select Classic Mode authentication and Create New IIS Web Site.  I leave the website name unchanged. The host header value is optional. I’ve always preferred to route to web sites using the host header but for this first attempt, I’ll leave it blank.

I leave the default website path unchanged. I’m also going to leave the authentication method as NTLM. At this point I’m checking Yes for Allow Anonymous. TechNet tells us this is required if you want any content to be accessible anonymously and, later, you can restrict anonymous access. This cannot be changed later.

I am not going to use SSL and I’m going to leave the default URL and zone unchanged.

I’m going to use an existing application pool, the same on I’m using for my existing site.  I dot the option and pull down the list and select SharePoint – 80 (Network Service). The option to create a new one will also let you create a new managed account by opening up a new window. I may try that later.

It gives me default database server and name. The name has a GUID suffix. I usually change it to something more easily deciphered like the port number of web app name used above. I leave the default Windows Authentication unchanged in the database authentication section.

At this point, I don’t have a failover database server and, I presume since I’m a stand alone inststallation, I don’t get to select a search server; it simply says that search is provided by SharePoint Server Search.

Next, we have a new Service Application Selection section. This can be default or custom. If we select custom, we can selectfrom the list of available services. I’m leaving the default value unchanged.

Lastly, we have some ugliness about the Customer Experience Improvement Program. I’m going to leave it as No and click OK. The dialog box indicates that it’s Processing and shows me an orbiting ball. Then I get a dialog box that says Web Application Created with a link about forms based authentication configurations and another to Create Site Collection.

I click Create Site Collection and end up at:


and I get the &IsDlg=1 query string as well. I give it a name and make myself the owner. I leave the rest unchanged and click OK.  

The dialog box says the top-level site is created and gives me a link. I click it.

I end up with a new site called Home and it got a great picure of some new dorks.

So what did we miss? First, there’s alternative authentication options. We could look at creating new Application Pools and then there’s the PowerShell options. We’ll look at those next.




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