Local Access to Central Admin

This is peculiar:

When I'm looking at my server's console and I try Start | Programs | Microsoft Office Server | SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration a browser opens pointed to http://MyServer:12345.  I get a log in prompt that says: Log in to MyServer.MyDomain.Local.

No matter what I enter, I am not getting logged in.  I try my setup account which is a domain admin.  I try other domain admins.  I try my DB Access account and all my service account.  After three tries, I end up with "You are not authorized to view this page."

I try reworking the URL to http://MyServer.MyDomain.Local:12345 and I try http://LocalHost:12345 and neither works.

The only thing that works is the IP address with the port number.

When I try the Central Admin site from my desktop, I get the Central Admin site, no sweat.

This seems suboptimal.




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