MSF System Requirements

The Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 involves some number of system requirements outlined onTechNet here.

These requirements include 64 bit quad core processors operating at 2.5 Ghz or better and 80 Gb hard drive space.

If you go to you can get this box for around $3K including the licenses for Server 2008 x64 and SQL Server (for workgroups) This would give you the basis for a great showcase environment environment. I bet if you worked it harder, you could save about a quarter of that.

Of note, 64 bit OS is not “optional”. Also, I had to query the Intel website to make sure the processers were quad-core. Most of you gearheads probably know which are and are not QCs. I lost track back when I got my 1Ghz PIII PowerEdge 300 server. Also, since RAM and disk space are cheap (compared to the software) I went with 8Gb RAM, 2x250Gb hard drives and a sweet 23″ flat screen monitor for $154 to bring my total to $3109.

I’ve never filled up a hard drive, have you? In fact, I’ve still got 6 Mb left on the 20Mb hard drive on the amber screen DOS computer out in the workshop.
