New Best Friend on Twitter

I was having trouble extracting the files I spent about six hours downloading yesterday from here. These are one .exe and fourteen .rar files, each around 700 mb.

So I put them in a folder and clicked on the .exe and it crapped out with an error:

CRC failed in Ext 2010-4a\Virtual Hard Disks\2010-4a.vhd Unexpected end of archive Packed data CR…

I had to truncate the whole message because I copied it into the Twitter search bar and found our new best friend @Ivor59. He suggested figuring out which one was faulty by checking the file sizes and, sure enough, the first one was a little short of capacity, around 65 Mb. The others were all 716,800 Kb except the last on which was 479,944 lb.

I redownloaded the first one, the .exe, and now it’s 716,807 Kb which seems like it might be a full set of bits. I clicked it and now the extraction seems to be running…

Extracting Ext 2010-4a\config.xml
Extracting Ext 2010-4a\Virtual Hard Disks\2010-4a.vhd
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part02.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part03.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part04.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part05.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part06.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part07.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part08.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part09.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part10.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part11.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part12.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part13.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part14.rar
Extracting from Ext 2010-4a.part15.rar
Extraction Complete

And then the extraction wizard just went away

In it’s place, I have a folder with a config.xml file and three folders:

1. Snapshots – Empty
2. Virtual Hard Disks – One 32 Gb file: 2010-4a.vhd.
3. Virtual Machines – One <guid>.exp file.

I guess it’s time to figure out how Hyper-V works.

I followed the instructions I rewrote yesterday and created that internal network and imported the VM. I right clicked and selected Start and get an error:

‘Ext 2010-4a’ could not initialize. The virtual machine could not be started because the hypervisor is not running.

Great. What’s a Hypervisor?





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