Authentication Providers

So, now the customer wants to be able to port his Oracle data into his SharePoint sites and that will require an authentication provider for Oracle user names and passwords.

The good news is that the boss said, to support this effort, we can spin-up a new MOSS development server and an Oracle database server so this should be fun.

Now, the little I know about authentication is the NTLM and Kerberos are different.  Oh, and I know that SQLServer can use Windows authentication or its own.  That's why the sa user has his own password and I don't even though I'm a sysadmin.

So, I'm looking for help and this is what I've found:

Here, our new best friend, Andrew, explains the web.config and database activities to support the alternate authentication providers we'll need to duplicate for Oracle.  This allows SharePoint access via each of three processes: NTLM, Forms or Anonymous.

I'm thinking that the Oracle authentication is simply an extension of the FBA authentication supported on the back end by Oracle instead of the SQLServer database Andrew describes.

Forms based authentication is covered in detail here.

Adam (ARB) gives us a look at the MSOracle mix here.

And, here, we have a pretty good explanation on authentication and alternative access mappings.





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