Searching .pdf Files

Out of the box, MOSS 2007 will not search and index the text in .pdf files. Consequently, one of the things you’ll want to do to a new portal is empower that actvity and, in addition, snag the .pdf icon so it will show up in document libraries.

The first effort is covered in Jerry’s Blog here.  It invloves installing the .pdf iFilter.  My understanding is that it matters whether your host is running on 32 or 64 bit operating systems so, assuming you’re running on a 32 bit sytstem, you can use Adobe’s iFilter found here

Stop the IIS Admin service which is found in your services .mmc application.  This will also stop WWW publishing service and the HTTP SSL ssl service.

Run the iFilter.exe.

Then you need an icon for the .pdf.  The icon you want is called icpdf.gif and I found a suitable example here. You need to put him in:

“C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\Template\Images”

Then, you have to edit the .xml file that SharePoint uses to map file types to icons.  That file is:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Template\Xml\DOCICON.XML

Add an entry for the .pdf extension using this format:

<Mapping Key=”pdf” Value=”icpdf.gif”/>

Run your IIS Reset.

Then, you need to include the .pdf content in your search configuration so go to the Shared Service Provider that’s hosting your search service and click on Search Settings, then File Types, then New File Type.  Add the pdf, without the dot in front, and click OK.

Then, Jerry says to perform a Full Update on the search content indexes.  You can find this link by starting from the Search Settings page and clicking on Content sources and crawl schedules.  Then, hover over your content source, pull down the smart menu and click on Start Full Crawl.





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